Sermorelin for Weight Loss: Does It Work? How Long To See Results?

Anyone considering sermorelin for weight loss, also known as sermorelin acetate, should know that its a peptide that aids in boosting the bodys release of human growth hormone via the pituitary gland and should only be used under supervision of a healthcare professional.

Peptides like sermorelin are short chains of amino acids that have a hand in metabolism and appetite, but since theres not much research on their effectiveness and safety.However, theres plenty of anecdotal evidence online that suggests it may be good for weight loss but deciding if its worthwhile or if another alternative such has human growth therapy (HGT) is better and/or safer.

So take glimpse into a few peoples journeys of using sermorelin treatment, view their before and after sermorelin results, and get science backed answers to the questions of does it work and how long results can take.

The human growth hormone (HGH) found naturally in the body functions to provide muscle development and regenerates cells. Though many people now use sermorelin for weight loss, sermorelin therapy was initially used for both children and adults who had growth deficiencies or developmental delays.1

Its primarily used in young children who have poor growth rates, but when the bodys natural growth hormones start to slow down (often around age 30), people may notice:

Due to these symptoms of less natural HGH production, some adults choose to turn to sermorelin as a better approach to management of adult-onset growth hormone insufficiency and to stimulate more natural HGH production from the pituitary gland.2

Although many artificial HGH products and treatments are available, sermorelin is not one of these; rather, its a natural peptide that stimulates the body to release more of its natural growth hormone.

Sermorelin, ipamorelin, and vitamin B are all similar treatments that can elevate the body up to par when it struggles to naturally keep up.

With certain therapies including sermorelin and ipamorelin, the goal is often to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass, among other benefits; vitamin B treatments are administered through a similar process and are identical to many sermorelin benefits including boosting energy levels, aiding in wound healing, treating anxiety, and improving overall well-being.

Those wondering how does sermorelin work must look no further: sermorelin injections for weight loss are administered subcutaneously and are recommended to be injected into the thigh or stomach areas where the body has more fat.

However, when it comes to sermorelin, weight loss is far from the only benefitin fact, sermorelin seems to help the body defy aging.

Sermorelin peptide benefits are abundant and include the following:

As with many peptides, theres both benefits and risks so be sure to see the risks section below to understand the pros and the cons of sermorelin.

Anyone on weight loss diets is tempted to ask how much weight can be lost on the program theyre on and those considering sermorelin are likely no exception. Unfortunately there is no universal answer because weight loss can vary greatly depending on countless factors including starting weight, calories burned, activity level, genetics, eating habits, and more.

Another important factor is ones frequency of use. Some recommend taking one dose (usually 0.2-0.3 mcg) each evening for a month, while others stand by a sermorelin cycle of 3-6 months being the most effective.

Furthermore, some dont recommend taking any breaks whatsoever and adamantly argue that its safe to use year-round.

The amount of weight loss on sermorelin therapy can vary just as much as the differing views on its usage. The best advice we have to offer is to err on the side of starting slowly as ones body adjusts and consulting a doctor to ensure proper use and dosages per person.

Its imperative to see how a growth hormone, athletic performance, and aging interact with one another when trying something like sermorelin and its natural to wonder how long does it take for sermorelin to work and on sermorelin, how long to see results?3

Sermorelins effectiveness kicks in almost immediately in terms of health benefits and stimulation of the pituitary gland, but most people feel their body reacting within the first month or so, then begin seeing true results within 3-6 months.

A loose timeline follows, but keep in mind that this will always vary from person to person based on their normal hormone levels and many other factors..

For some extra motivation and insight into what sermorelin injections for weight loss can do, we have a few examples of sermorelin weight loss results to share. Here are 3 sermorelin before and after results and pictures of different people who opted for sermorelin peptides for weight loss to assist them in their health and fitness goals.

Amber decided to give sermorelin a try and hasnt looked back since; she lost over 30 lbs in under 6 months after starting sermorelin injections paired with semaglutide for weight management. Shes not only lost an impressive amount of weight, but now feels energized, has improved complexion, and is sleeping better.

Source: @feelerconsulting from Instagram

After being a former athlete and letting life get in the way of her health goals, Amber used sermorelin to support her on her health journey and improved her diet. Her goals for sermorelin were better rest and recovery and burning more fat and sermorelin has served her well.

Before starting sermorelin therapy to increase his HGH production, Derek regularly overindulged in junk food, drank alcohol, slept a lot, and noticed he easily became breathless.

Source: u/Theenhancedman from Reddit

Source: u/Theenhancedman ong Reddit

After beginning his use of sermorelin and TRT, Derek soon began to notice subtle changes that quickly became much more drastic and within 6 months his physique changed in shockingly impressive ways.

Derek said that he now has enough energy to work out for 1 hour 7 days per week and fuels his body with frequent small meals and plenty of fruit and vegetable servings each day instead of junk food and alcohol.

He watches out for hidden sugars and noted that he actually sleeps less now but much more deeply and restfullyso much so that he doesnt even use an alarm clock anymore since his body is so attuned that his body clock does the job for him.

Note: These results may not be perfectly indicative of weight loss on sermorelin alone since Derek used TRT as well; the results are impressive regardless but be sure to have appropriate expectations if trying sermorelin therapy alone.

After mentioning that she didnt realize she had gained some weight until seeing photos of herself, Regina started her own round of sermorelin treatments and decided to stick with it after both feeling better and liking how she looked more. With more energy and clearer skin, Regina said that she couldnt be happier with her results.

Source: @feelerconsulting from Instagram

Whether trying peptides on their own, with other weight loss treatments or supplements, or paired with trending diets, its important to know if there are any potential risks. Its wise to ask if any potential sermorelin long term side effects exist, but we are happy to report that any negative impacts are extremely rare.

Not only is sermorelin highly effective in comparison to other hormone replacement therapiesit also causes far fewer side effects due to it being used to boost natural HGH instead of putting synthetic HGH into the body.

Notably, most negative reactions (if any) happen right away and are due to skin irritation or allergic reactions at the injection site. These can include pain, redness, or swelling at the site or occasionally a rash or hives.

If anyone has swelling of the tongue or difficulty breathing they should seek medical help immediately.

Other side effects are rare as well but may include:

Although sermorelin for weight loss may not be a good fit for everyone, overall it is healthy, has few negative health risks, and is very effective. Generally, sermorelin may be worth considering for healthy adults, however, only under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Its always best to consult a physician before making any major adjustments to your diet, lifestyle, supplementations or adding in peptides such as sermorelin.

Between sermorelin vs tesamorelin, our preference is sermorelin for weight loss.4 Although tesamorelin injections serve a similar purpose and are used to help reduce belly fat, increase energy, and boost metabolism, our top choice is sermorelin due to having much fewer side effects and seeming to work more efficiently in most people.5

Tesamorelin not only has been shown to take up to 26 weeks to reduce body fat in any significant way, but it also has much more severe potential side effects including swelling, fluid retention, numbness, blood glucose fluctuations and increased joint pain.

Whether wanting increased strength and lean muscle mass to improve ones powerlifting routine or simply wanting to reap other benefits such as weight loss, immune support, and increased energy, a clear winner for HGH-increasing peptides is sermorelin for weight loss and for general wellbeing.

See the article here:

Sermorelin for Weight Loss: Does It Work? How Long To See Results?

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